Okay here is the Resturants that made the vote... Logans Owasso , Logans Tulsa or Mimi's Tulsa.
the days.... Wensday 20 or 27
Thursday 21 or 28
This is for the August Meeting!!!
Vote for the place and day/date you would like our meeting to be. ..... We will go with which ever gets the most votes... each person can only vote once!!! for each option.
my votes are ...... Logans Owasso, WED the 27th..
let me hear your opinions folks!!!
I will tally them all up on August the 11th
I thought this would be the fairest way to do it.
the days.... Wensday 20 or 27
Thursday 21 or 28
This is for the August Meeting!!!
Vote for the place and day/date you would like our meeting to be. ..... We will go with which ever gets the most votes... each person can only vote once!!! for each option.
my votes are ...... Logans Owasso, WED the 27th..
let me hear your opinions folks!!!
I will tally them all up on August the 11th
I thought this would be the fairest way to do it.