kmccrary in ER!
I am okay. Nothing big and bad, just dehydration. Two units of fluids and now I feel like a new woman. I will keep sipping and hopefully make it through this most difficult stage.
And thanks to my beautiful daughter who immediately left work just to take her poor ole mommy to the hospital and sit with her for 8 hours! We hadn't been at that particular hospital before and personally it was the pits. But new insurance mandates I go there so we made the best out of it. I think I took it better than Melissa. She is like my guard dog. Lord help anyone who messes with her momma the wrong way!! She is a riot! Great woman she is.
Love you all and thanks for your prayers. I know your prayers are what gave me a good results.
And thanks to my beautiful daughter who immediately left work just to take her poor ole mommy to the hospital and sit with her for 8 hours! We hadn't been at that particular hospital before and personally it was the pits. But new insurance mandates I go there so we made the best out of it. I think I took it better than Melissa. She is like my guard dog. Lord help anyone who messes with her momma the wrong way!! She is a riot! Great woman she is.
Love you all and thanks for your prayers. I know your prayers are what gave me a good results.