Baked chicken...
I have had baked chicken twice since surgery and both times I've gotten pukey!!! I don't actually barf but it sure is icky! Tonight was baked chicken from Sam's and before this it was the new grilled chicken from KFC. I don't understand why this makes me sickie poo!
Ok, I don't expect any answers - I'm just whining! What better place to whine than to your family???
Ok, I don't expect any answers - I'm just whining! What better place to whine than to your family???
I have trouble with chicken sometimes too. Especially any kind of chicken salad. Not sure if it's the mayo or what. I had the roasted chicken from KFC yesterday and it settled ok. However, I only took about 5 bites because I wasn't sure how it would do. funny how all this is still trial and error.