Norman in Top 10 Places to Live
Here's the link: 69832/?tm=1216042564
Hard for a cowgirl to post..LOL
WOW! I've never been to his store. I'd love to see pics of your daughter and her wedding dress. I've really been hooked by Project Runway the past couple of seasons, or so ... I'm trying not to get started watching it this year. It will keep me in front of the TV instead of exercising, I'm afraid. ; )
One of my new weight loss strategies is to choose only a few TV shows to watch regularly ... the rest of the time I need to stay active. However, if I would spring for a new treadmill, I could watch TV while treadmilling ... without having to have the volume at an eardrum busting level! My treadmill is 16 years old ... and it's LOUD. I'm having a hard time parting with it since it still works and has held me up all these years. ; )