Funny Rash
I used to get rashes (especially in the summer) caused by yeast (due to diabetes) on the outside of my skin in the folds under my overweight stomach.
Today, for the first time, I have one again, Inside my belly-button! What is up with that?! Luckily, I still have some of my nystatin creme to use. I guess this loose hanging skin is now making my belly button close in on itself and that caused the rash. My sugars have all been in normal ranges so I can't figure it out.
Anyone else noticed getting rashes?
Fungus likes dark, moist environments (sexy, huh?!) so I definitely think you are right and it is related to the loose skin. You may just try keeping things dry in there--maybe use some baby powder or corn starch, especially if you are going to be outdoors or exercising (getting excessively sweaty). Hope this helps and good luck!
Ok this sounds odd but it works.. get a non stick pan and put a cup of flour in then and cook on high until the flour turns light brown.. let it cool and keep in a ziploc bag. dust the area everytime you think of it. and it will clear right up.. i told you it sounds odd but my granny was a wiz at old wives tales and they work !! I use it on my "fat roll" and I used it on my kids bottoms when they were babies.
Not yet...but thanks to Happycat for mentioning documentation...I may start to do that too...I'm such a wuss about having plastics and I go back and forth between deciding yes and no on it. Part of me thinks, "go, for've come this far why not fini****" and then part of me says, "remember Dr. 90210????Hello....pain????"