What to expect??
Hey I was just wondering if anyone could give me any ideas what to expect in the exercise physiologist appt? I go to several of my initial appts at WW on Thursday, including the exercise phys and was just wondering what I should expect out of the visit. Any advice/insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!
It's really a pretty laid back appt. If this is your first one, she'll talk to you about your exercise, or lack of. Give you a plan and some stretching to do. She'll also "test" your flexibility. It's nothing to worry about and will be over in a jiffy. You'll love the girls there too! Good luck!!
OK thanks! I guess I am just worried about it and wondering if I should plan on packing a gym bag with workout clothes!! I am just getting anxious about everything, and hoping it will all fall in to place. I am not a very patient person and now that I have made the decision to do this I am ready for it to all unfold now! I am sure everyone on this board knows how that feels. Thanks for the info and congrats to you on your weight loss!
I haven't had a flexibility test since I was in Laureatte Psychological Hospital (long story PM me for details if you want...lets just say it was a waste of my parents money). I am sure I would still shock the hell out of a doctor on one of those tests. How many 300 pound men do you all know who can do the splits?
They will also test your balance. You can do the VO2 testing to see what range your heart rate should be to burn the most fat. I didn't get mine done before surgery and I wish I had. You can't do it until 3 months post-op if you don't do it before surgery. You will be given some basic exercises and some stretching exercises to do at home. Don't stress. This is one of the easiest appts.
Ok, thanks! That helps alot and Rita I will certainly make a point to come see you. I will be dragging my poor lil mom around with me. She is getting ready to have knee replacement in a few weeks and has to use a walker, but I think it will really help allay any fears she may have about my going under the knife if she comes to my appts with me. I am excited about tomorrow, but already fearing any lashings I may get from the doc since I am sure I haven't lost any weight since the seminar appt....
Thanks for the info guys!