Thanks To My Online Family
You all have been the strength and support I have needed the last couple of days. I turned this whole ordeal over to God and I am letting Him choose what is best for the future. Thanks for the prayers and keep em coming.
As for the problem..or if you even should call it that. Friday night I was having "relations" with the girlfriend. I was using protection yes but it came off inside after I had already "filled" it cause in the heat of the moment we didn't notice. I know I know bad excuse. So now it's a waiting game. This happened on Friday and her period had just ended on Sunday I think it was. I have been told there is a very slim chance of anything happening and we SHOULD be okay. However she was on birth control both times she got pregnant with her two boys so needless to say there is that fear.
That is why I have been a nervous wreck the last couple of days. Sleep has been next to impossible. I am more worried about us not being able to work out as a relationship than I am about the thought of us having a child. I so don't want a child to have to grow up without both parents in the same home.
Well I am going to get off the box and stfu for now. Thanks for all the wishes and concern. You all are literally the best.
No wonder you have been upset. I doubt very seriously that she will get pregnant. But I know you will breathe a sign of relief when you are certain. I know when I was trying to get pregnant the time of the month when most women ovulate (sp?) is in the middle of the cycle so hopefully she is the same way.
190 lbs lost
VSG 07/2008
lower body lift 10/2010
upper body lift 11/2011
Ok, first my disclaimer: I'm not a Dr., but I pretend to be one on the internet. LOL That being said, I think you're going to be ok. You've done the right thing putting it in God's hands. He will be the one to decide if this is the time. In the meantime, find something to keep your mind occupied. Latch hook anyone? Ok, maybe that isn't really your thing. We're here for your Dan; whatever the outcome. Blessings, Cindy
Thanks gals. I actually used to woodburn and oil paint saw blades a lot in years past. Then I took up collecting war gaming metal miniatures and painting them but good lord that hobby was expensive. I have been online gaming a lot more here lately and have met some cool friends who i can chat with and go slay monsters with and get my mind off stuff.
I'm sure that everything will be fine. Seems to me that the timing is off. I'm sorry you've been through such turmoil the last few days. Sounds like maybe you are feeling a bit better today, at least I hope.
Hang in there and keep the faith. Everything will turn out as it was meant to be.
I will add my two cents here or actually maybe with inflation a dime's worth.....
I know it was a mistake.....I know it's scary! We can all pray that she won't be pregnant. But then I will add this....If it should turn out that she is pregnant.......A baby is never a mistake! They are a blessing....even if there are issues with this whole relationship and IT was a mistake.....God will do the rest.... Sherry