Can someone send me some big girl panties?
i can so relate to everything you said. iam getting very pissy with everyone around me lately because i want to eat something, anything and all i can have is liquids this and liquids that. i keep telling myself that this will pass and i will feel so much better when i lose the weight but getting there is harder than i thought. i don't regret having the surgery but i wish phase 2 would hurry up. i have the rest of today and 2 more days. i'll try not to rub it in! what has helped me so much is this forum. i get on here everyday sometimes 3-4 times a day and see that i am not alone in my journey. sure i have a wonderful husband,son, mom & dad, and inlaws that are very supportive but sometimes you want to talk to someone that is going thru the same agony and uncertainty that you are feeling and that is where these wonderful people come in to play. i htink i would be in a slight depression without all their incouragment and insights. so thank you everyone!!
Hi Amy - thanks for posting and letting us know the you are doing fine. The liquid stage is the toughest for two reasons: 1. you are recovering from major surgery and 2. you are on liquids. Even though you would not be able to handle any kind of food right now, that does not mean that your brain is not "looking" for food. Remember that the reason we became obese is not because we were always hungry, but because we made food our best friend and it was always there for us, and it is going to take sometime to overcome that part, past the two weeks of liquids. However, a couple of months from now you'll be overjoyed to see that food will no longer control your life! About your new tummy (aka the Brat - LOL that is cute) - the reality is, it is now in charge, and it will be going forward. At 4 and 1/2 months out I don't do what I want when it comes to food, I do what my stomach will allow me to do! You will learn to respect it and it will seem strange at first, but then you get used to it. We basically abused our stomachs for a long time, and for me, one of the greatest benefits of the surgery has been that the new stomach has taken control of what I eat and that I can no longer abuse it. Hope it makes sense, it takes a little time, but you will do great with this new tool... - Anna