Watch for me tonight!
I'm going to the PouchWise support group meeting tonight! Keep an eye out for me and save me a seat!
I hope I'm not late!
Cowboy, if you can wait until 4:30 when I get off of work, I'd love to have a riding partner to the meeting!
Check out your original ride partner post for my phone number if you are interested!
Dot - I'll definitely look for you! I will say that I'm a little slow on recognizing people in person after seeing them online. Just one of my little things that makes me "special". Ha! So please introduce yourself if I seem oblivious!
FYI - Better put the peddle to the metal if you're leaving at 4:30 since the meeting starts at 6:00. Although I'll say that the 2nd hour is WAY BETTER than the first hour.
Looking forward to meeting you!