Bucket List
Wow, a bucket list...hmmmm...i just saw the movie so I started to think about it myself and really couldnt come up with that much...
1. My first thing is to get out of Oklahoma...sorry to you true Okies but I am just a temporary transplant from Alaska.... (have less than a year left here, we already have orders for North Carolina)
2. Finish my Degree...have 6 more classes left.
3. Get my 20 year old off her a$$ and actually move out on her own.
4. Live in Italy.... (husband plans on working there as soon as he retires from the Army in 2 years)
5. Go to Russia, Egypt, and Africa
6. Walk a marathon....my husband has run a couple of marathons in the Clydesdale category...now if that isnt a funny category....
I already have fit on a plane with room to spare on both sides of me in the seat...
I have already gone to two amusement parks and rode all the rides that I was told that I was too fat for before....
I am smaller by 30 lbs from when I married my husband 15 years ago....
I did plant my first garden this year and the awesome part is that I actually have corn on my cornstalks...I am so excited....
7. I would love to ride a horse again.....
I think it's awesome that you have already done some of the things that a lot of people have put on their list! I didn't put this one on my list and I'm not sure that anybody but maybe a 10 year old child can do it, but actually be able to move in an airplane bathroom! Right now I feel like I'm right up against the door when I have to pull my pants up or down :P How the hell can anybody join the mile high club in one of those things??
Also congrats on your garden that's something I want to do again. I miss home grown tomatoes and having okra although since I fry them until they are about black I kinda doubt I'll be having them AFTER surgery LOL.
I was reading yours and the whitewater rafting sounds like alot of fun....up in Alaska when I was younger some friends went and tried to talk me into it but I just was too chicken (and then it had nothing to do with weight for me) Now the airplane bathroom...I never even thought to check that one out when I went on my vacation... I was too excited about the seat...lol....mile high club sounds like fun but my husband and I take seperate vacations so that wont be happening anytime soon.
I have the tomatoes starting also...forgot the okra...but I also have 4 different hot peppers, pickling cucumbers, sweet peas, lima beans, cantalope, green beans and the corn.... when you plant your garden you will just have to find that perfect way to cook the tomatoes and okra for after surgery...fried foods dont even taste good after surgery....even if it does go down ok....