Blue cross blue sheilds of Oklahoma
Ok everyone I have a aunt who wants to have this surgery but wont try to find out anything for her self so I was wondering if anyone knows if Dr. Gornichecs office accepts blue cross blue shields of oklahoma she doesnt work so it doesnt matter about if her work has an exclusion I really do hate to bother everyone with all the questions... Oh and if they do how much of the surgery is out of pocket
Michelle, check out THIS LINK. (If the link brings up the agreement first, click on *I agree* at the bottome of the page. On the next screen, enter *bariatric surgery* into the search field and hit enter. That should bring up the coverages of BCBS for 4 states and the Federal BCBS program. OK is listed there.)
However, I'd still have your aunt call BC/BS and inquire.
Ok this may sound really blunt, but money is no good if you are gone because of health issues!
'My mother was going to give each of my brothers and sisters 10,000 when she she thinks she will give it out early....only she doesn't want us to blow it...(We are all nearly over 50!!!)
My sister told her I needed it now to do this....She says I just need to diet instead. I just can't control my eating. I consider this saving my life. I have over 5 or 6 comorbidities!! Tell them to use the money before it becomes life or death or worse before there isn't a choice anymore.....
I know this seems rude...I'm sorry. It's just so important to me. Sherry
Hey Sherry,
See there is a huge diffrence though... You actully want that surgery with so much passion... I bet you did your research and Ill bet that if this surgery had been presented to you at a diffrent time you would have taken it in a heart beat... She had the oppertunity to have it in Cali. I think twice it came all the way up to the day of the surgery and vam she blamed it on someone else why she never could go through with it.... My whole family knows she needs it and a part of us all want her to have it, but she still hasnt prved to anyone how much she really wants it I think she will come up with another excuse... and vam wont do it. I know I sound so mean but unless someone does everything for her and I mean everything than she doesnt like to do it. In fact I think she knows about the dieting but she was mad about it, she hasnt filled out the papers for monday, she hasnt written her letter, she hasnt rsvp for the seminar on monday she wont get her medical records...I wish someone could help me understand why she is acting like this her intrest in the surgery on peeked when my sis in law told her how much I wanted it..
Maybe she is just terrified? It is hard to believe that people can be so afraid of things that they are paralized to do anything about it unless someone makes them. I have been there and fight that. Maybe once you do it, it will lessen her fears of it. In my case, the health concerns are an emergency to me....If I don't do this....I will die in a few years....That is why I am so passionate about it. To me it is life or death and though the insurance may or may not cover it....I have to find a way to do this. If I had a retirement fund. My choice to use it would be YES!! The reason being I will not be here to enjoy retirement if I didn't use it.....I have no retirement and I'm sure not wealthy, so I will have to self pay. What I was saying is that if there is a fund available to use...then I'd sure use it to save her life!
I do understand your thoughts on it....It sounds like she is either afraid or just hasn't made up her mind. If she can get to the seminar that might help her....Good luck with her....Sherry
The only fund there is left after my grandma died is what she has to be able to live on becuase once that money is gone she will loose my grandmas house and she will have to be put in a nursing home... I think my biggest issue with it is yea the doctors keep telling her how bad she needs to loose weight becuase she will die, she has diabetes but wont stop eating surgers that all she will eat, she was complaining about chest pains made an appt. but canceled it becuase she didnt feel like getting up, she is always canceling doc. appt. she has never done anything in her whole life nobody has ever expected anything form her ever she has never lived on her own until dec. becuase thats when my grandma passed away... I just wish I could feel something for her but I feel like i cant becuase she knows she is killing her self but wont do anything to help her self...