Am I a weirdo???

on 6/18/08 5:25 am - Holdenville, OK

Hi guys!!! I'm a week out, doing fabulously and I just have to know if I'm weird or not. :) Okay okay...I know you all think I'm quite weird in general. lol Just curious about my intake. I don't want anything bu****er, decaff. tea, decaff. coffee and ON OCCASION I want some SF Grape Hawaiian punch. Other than that, I don't want anything. No jell-o, no popsicles, absolutely NO broth. I have a protein shake each day, and I like it, but I have to sip on it for a REALLY long time to get it all in. Not in any discomfort. I just don't really want anything but to sip my water. Am I a weirdo for that, or no??? :) Thank you, my darling friends!!! Lizzie

Total Loss: 137 lbs

on 6/18/08 5:27 am - Midwest City, OK
Nope, not weird.  Normal!!!  I am glad you are not dealing with hunger.  Good work, way to use your tool! Denise
I have maintained for one year at this point.  I am steady at -120 pounds.  =)
40 pounds lost pre-op    
on 6/18/08 5:30 am - Holdenville, OK
Thanks!!! :) I love this lil tummy!!! Haven't been hungry at ALL! My precious son is so sweet. He keeps trying to share his food with me, and has started going, " hungry? I share..." I just tell him no, and he goes, "Oh...mommy still sick?" lol It's cute because he just doesn't understand. He is only 3. :) It's pretty stinkin' adorable!!! lol

Total Loss: 137 lbs

on 6/18/08 5:31 am - OK
I hope I am a weirdo just like you!! LOL!  I think it is wonderful that you are doing so well and just wanting to sip water.  It seems like Anna said she was like that too.

190 lbs lost
VSG 07/2008
lower body lift 10/2010
upper body lift 11/2011

on 6/18/08 5:33 am - Holdenville, OK
Thanks!!! It has been amazing to me how good It's been. Now, not perfect always. I had a rough evening yesterday...whew...glad that's over. Was a bit weak and extremely exhausted! I did too much way to fast and didn't rest enough, I'm thinking. DON'T DO THAT TO YOURSELF!!!! :) Liz

Total Loss: 137 lbs

on 6/18/08 5:33 am - Oklahoma City, OK
Liz: I don't think you are a weirdo (well....) for the water thing anyway.  You might want to split your protein shake up into 2 servings so you can space it through the day to give your body a little protein load across a time frame - but I would stick with what is working for YOU and not try to fit yourself into a mold of what others are doing. I lived on SF popsicles but I also had a stricture and ulcer so I wasn't doing much of anything else.  If all you desire is water - more power to you!  Just remember at some point your tastes will change and what you like today you may not tomorrow!   Early on I could literally spin on a dime with my food likes and dislikes!  I still eat basically the same things because I know I can tolerate them and won't have "follow up" issues to deal with. And let's talk about that BROTH.... can you say "GAG ME" oh no!!!  I can't stand to look at the stuff!!  There are a couple things that make me want to hurl just to look at them - Broth packages, cottage cheese containers, chunk chicken cans, string cheese.  All of these were part of what I survived on during the stricture/ulcer stage, that I went through for approximately 4 months, but now I CANNOT look at them without my little pouch clenching down in spasm.   So ....I understand and say "GO WATER!!" 

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on 6/18/08 5:37 am - Holdenville, OK
Lol! Thanks!!! :) I think of broth and want to hurl. I don't know what it is, but I had one cup of beef and one of chicken in the hospital and wanted to just DIE!!! I am NEVER having broth again!!! Praise God for good ole H2O!!! :) Also, I did actually split my shake up today! I had needed protein in the morning and evening yesterday, so since I'm so slow at drinking it, I did some this morning and will have some afterwhile!!! :) Of course, I knew someone would admit I was a weirdo! ;) Leave it to Ruth!!! lol Love ya, Girl!

Total Loss: 137 lbs

on 6/18/08 5:40 am - Oklahoma City, OK
Yes Liz, You are a wierdo......Just kidding.........Take advantage of the feeling while it is there.Eventually you will get some cravings back. That's why they call this the honeymoon phase. I am really glad you are doing well. SIP SIP SIP My Weight loss story 

(deactivated member)
on 6/18/08 5:46 am
For me, I was really flat out scared to eat.  I had no pain or any reason to be afraid, just didn't want to risk "messing anything up".  Enjoy it while it lasts, but don't cut too far back.
on 6/18/08 5:53 am - Jenks, OK

The first couple of weeks all I did was my protein shakes and maybe a sugar free Jello each day.  I tried the broth but didn't like it.  Right at the end of 2 weeks is when the feeling of wanting to eat started coming back.  I wasn't really hun gry but the doc said it was important to develop a pattern of having at least breakfast lunch and dinner, so I would make myself eat a little something at those times.  It seems to be working.


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