Let's Say Howdy
on 6/17/08 3:04 am
Post up 5 random facts about yourself that you'd like to share.
1. I live 2 houses down from my parents (what was I thinking????). First year was good blog fodder.
2. I lived in Dallas from 1988-2007. I still like to visit but I really don't have any desire to move back.
3. Current Population-1 parrot, 6 chihuahuas (some rescues) 1 elderly cat, 2 gerbils who have 3 babies,, 6 snakes (none venomous) and a very cranky bos turtle (anyone got a safe place to release her? I took her in cause it's too populated here, but I'd like my aviary back-she would not be a good pet-she bites)
4. I'm cool with people who don't care for reptiles as long as they don't sit in my living room and talk about how nasty snakes are for hours on end...LOL.
5. I do blog and write, but I would never use a name, photo or any other identifiying info without permission and a relase from you.
I' ll bring a camera tomorrow and get someone to snap a picture to put up on my profile, I'm not famous or ugly or gorgeous-just folks.
1. When I got sick, we sold our house in town and moved to our farm. We love it here and have been here 13 years. There's nothing better for stress than spending time on the tractor!!!
2. We homeschooled our kids most of their school years and loved every minute of it. They both went to college and were on the honor rolls. They're both grown now and out on their own and doing great.
3. I'm an animal lover and avid birder/birdwatcher. We have a huge Purple Martin colony and a small Bluebird trail. We have domestic pets, too .... 5 dogs, 6 cats, and 5 horses.
4. I love knitting, doing stained glass, reading and spending time with friends ... and especially hubby.
5. I quit dyeing my hair a year or so ago and am truly happy to be gray/silver.
Deb, we live on a 30 acre farm with 2 ponds and loads of wildlife! We've been a release site for WildCare for years. If you'd like to release your turtle here, it would be welcome and have plenty of room to roam. We do have 4 dachshunds and an Aussie, but they stay in or near the house so they wouldn't be a problem for the turtle.
Total Loss: 137 lbs
1. I was a military brat too so I have lived in alot of places, including farms! Horses are my most desired pet!! I was a rodeo queen long long ago! 2. Have 4 wonderful children, all grown, have graduated from College and one went on to get a Docterate from Law School In CA. I have 11 grandchildren Ages 16 to newborn, from these amazing grown kids! 3. I am getting divorced after 41 years of marrige. He is Bi-Polar and refuses to stay on meds. I'm loving being alone for the first time in my life!! We have been separeted for 7 years or something like that 4. I was an Executive Director for an Anti*****graphy, Non-Profit organization here in OKC. Yep... Porn Police!! Just our group trying to keep porn away from our innocent babies! in OKC!! I worked with the police and actually was instrumental in shutting down many stores in the OKC area until they moved the porn magazines away from access to children. I'm looking for a new job now, so if you know of any good Admin Assistant, Sec or recep jobs, I'm available.....I have no kids to worry about so to me that is a great advantage! 5. I have an online friend that started out just off and on talking in chat rooms and now it's every day, 3 or 4 times a day or more. We have actually known each other for 8 years and have been closer since my soon to be ex. moved out. I have been to DE to see him once(no sex) He has been here 1 time( no sex) We are just great friends! Do I want more? Not until I feel better about who I am. For now, we watch tv together and chat all evening long on the phone. It's crazy! He is the best friend in my world besides my Dog Grayce.