The wedding is over
My son's wedding was on Friday evening. I did well, for the most part, but I am glad it is over. I chose a doable restaurant for the rehearsal dinner (Santa Fe). Dr Keller told me to take some time off and enjoy the festivities, but I have already found that I look at food and eating a different way. the food at the wedding was also not too bad. I did allow myself one glass of wine, but found it too sweet -- one of the sweetest things I have had in several weeks! About the only trouble I had was getting all my liquids in. I was so busy and stressed I kept forgetting to drink. Most of the family has left and I go back to work tomorrow so I will be getting back on track with that too.
Did you cry off all your liquids??? Man I did at my sons wedding and every other event I attend....shoot I cry at comercials. I am an emotional woman!!
Ok Congrats!! It's over. That is so hard, but now it is like wheeeeeeeeeeeeew!!! You are almost to your new beginning! The next time all that family sees you, they won't know who you are!!
What really is back on track?? I am always derailing! I get back on only to derail once again....My blood sugars just keep me nuts! Up down Up Down. I am so happy for you to have gotten through all the festivities so smoothly! It sounds like you are ready to tackle this! Hang on...your day is coming!! Sherry
I actually did pretty well until my dad started crying. I lost my mom almost 8 years ago and Friday would also have been my parents' 60th wedding anniversary. It made the day extra special, but also a sad one.
I forgot one more thing -- my dad has trouble walking so I was helping him with pretzels and strawberries from the chocolate fountain. My husband saw me and told me he was going to go online and tell all my online friends. LOL I had the strawberries -- without the chocolate!
Congratulations on this most exciting yet hectic time in your life. Now you can get back in to your "regular" routine! It sounds like you did incredibly well in your food selections so a hearty congrats on that too! You are one tough woman! (would've said tough cookie but that's food porn!)
You day will be here before you know it and then all that food won't even bother you. Doesn't bother me right now and I'm praying that it continues for a LONG time!
Congratulations to your entire family in expanding by one!