sort of NSV
I take an IV drug for rheumatoid arthritis. The dose is based on weight. I am just about to drop from 4 vials to 3 vials- 5 more pounds! Next month I should surely be just 3 vials!!! I told my insurance co I would save them money and they needed to pay for my surgery. However, they didn't listen! I am so excited to probably need less drugs next month. Smaller dose should mean a smaller chance for a side effect.
That's great! I know what you mean. I'm already off my diabetic meds, and I can imagine what that will save my insurance company. I wish that they would at least consider paying for at least some of the surgery based on all the results people are having. I'm sure one day soon they will. Remember back in the day (I'm showing my age!) they didn't cover chemo for cancer and stuff like that either.
When I addressed my insurance board I told them they were crazy if they thought they didn't cover obesity. I reminded them they paid for strokes, heart attacks, joint replacement, diabetes, and the list goes on. I told them they were treating the symptoms of a disease- obesity and that they would be money ahead in the long run to treat the primary disease instead of the symptoms. I think Healthchoice might cover WLS for '09. Hopefully they will wake up and get with the program. I just wasn't willing to wait and further risk my health.