Hey all~
I'm sorta back on the boards. I was on this thing every day and then the stuff hit the fan. I've been dealing with a sick baby. We had to put C in the hospital last thur. due to dehydration. He had some viral stuff (which is terrible to hear "just viral, will have to run it's course, blah, blah, blah"). He had blisterlike sores in his mouth, a horrible rash all over, wouldn't eat or drink, and a fever for at least 3 days. We were finally released Sat and he is back to being his busy mischevious little self. Still not eating or drinking back up to his usual but he's always been a little eating machine. Like I said, I wasn't happy with hearing it's just viral, but the care we got at the new St.Francis pediatric hospital was phenomenal. The staff was so kind. It really was a much needed addition to Tulsa's medical world. I had to cancel my trip back to Indiana to see my niece graduate, and I don't think the airline is going to do much for me. I'll get the price of the ticket in credit, have to pay a 150 rescheduling fee, and the difference in ticket price. I'm going to talk to them when I rebook and plead my case again. I could have taken my kid on the plane and infected everybody with who knows what he had. LUCKYGIRL, thanks for your message, you spurred me to finally get on here and talk again. I guess I'm just kind of in a slump. Back to taking care of everyone but me. My hair is falling out and I"ve not even had wls! lol ALL YOU NEWBIES, welcome and this is a great group of folks. I'm so proud of all of you for making the decision to take your health/life back! KAT, I did read where you are having issues with the psyche and dr.'s office. I am going to call Weight Wise this week to maybe get a ball rolling with my wls. Wanna go with me? Finally, I have started to try to wean myself (doctor supervised)off of my antidepressants(started them a year ago after my son was born, postpartum sucks). Halving my dose for a month, then none at all. He also wants me taking a sleeping pill every night (or at least half of one). I am still tired. What a time to do it eh? I know I've been a little crankier, and stressed but I really think it's just life stuff now. Nothing more than the average joe would deal with. I want to say without sounding full of myself, that I am way proud of myself for the way I handled C being sick. I didnt have a total meltdown, stayed by myself with him Thu night, and keep on keepin on. A year ago, this would have sent me into a major tailspin. God truly is good and this too shall pass. Now is just when I might need him carrying me a little more often. Okay, I suppose I've yadda, yadda'd enough for now. Just thought I would drop you all a line and let you know what was up in my world. Hugs~joni