Hey I have really good news for me!!! I have finally gotten past that 28 pound loss mark. I was there for quite some time. Now I can say I have lost 33 pounds and that feels great!!!! I got my second fill
2 weeks ago and have lost 5 pounds. I guess that fill was the one I relly needed. I am no longer as discouraged!!!! Yea I just needed to share that. Sorry I haven't posted here in a while. I was kinda discouraged, but things are looking up now. The band does work it just takes more time to get there and much needed patients!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks guy's Carrie.
Carrie, it's so good to have you here again! I'm glad you're feeling better about your weight loss journey, but please remember...we're all here for you when you're feeling down. I hope you feel comfortable to come here when you're not feeling so good about things and letting us encourage you. I know I've done that before and it really helped me! I hope you're enjoying your weekend and hope to see you here again soon. : )