It's early for this post, but I really need the good thoughts
Next Saturday, June 7, I will be sitting my final for National Board Certification in library media. I have 6 areas of questions to answer, and I get 30 mins for each question. Part of this test I can study for, and part I can't..most if it is either I know it or I don't. I have been working since last May on this.
In June, I had to go to Durant for 2 days to go through classes and meetings. Then, I have been writing and working on the portfolio from August-March of this year. The portfolio is worth 60 percent, I think. There were 4 entries with 2 videotaped entries. I can't begin to tell you the stress that I was under.
During that time I lost my mom, had WLS, and my co-LMS father passed away within 3-4 months of each other. My daughter got married, and I battled an infection. One of the cooperating teachers had shingles, so I had to wait for her to heal and I did her entry and wrote it 2 weeks before Spring Break. The videotaped segment didn't have any sound, so I had to redo that..and shipped the dang box the Tuesday before Spring Break.
Now all that is left is take the tests and wait until November-December to see if I passed.
I need all the good thoughts and prayers that this group is able to provide. What this means if I pass is that I go anywhere to teach without having to go through the hoops of other states if I choose to, which I don't plan to. The major reason is the recognition that goes with putting National Board Certified Teacher after my name along with the bonus every year that I continue teaching.
Thanks ahead of time. You all are the best.
You will pass!! I can't imagine how difficult this has been for you. I was sitting her feeling sorry for myself because I have only 3 pages of my 9 page term paper written that is due Tuesday night. I am having a hard time getting motivated for this class. Then I read you post and suddenly realize I don't have it near as bad as you did. You are going to do great and it will be so worth all the hard work. (PS. will you say the same thing back in July when I am recovering from WLS and trying to stay on top of my school work?!)
190 lbs lost
VSG 07/2008
lower body lift 10/2010
upper body lift 11/2011
Yes, I WILL say the same thing to you! When I was in Durant, I was on the pre-surgery diet phase.
What is your term paper on? Can I help? I used to teach English, and I still teach the research process. You've been under some stress, too, you know...AND surgery on your knee. You can get this paper written, and it'll be great.
You know, I don't even care what I score as long as I pass. The written questions are scored from 1-4 with 4 being perfect score. As long as I don't choke, I should get a 4 on 1 or 2 sections. I
The paper is for my legal enviroment class. My topic is how Sandra Day O'Connor impacted our legal system. I am having trouble in the research area. I know, I waited until way too late to start this. I'm using EBSCOhost but the keywords are not bringing up very few articles I can use. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. I need some articles on how she impacted the death penalty. Any ideas on key words to use? -Amy
190 lbs lost
VSG 07/2008
lower body lift 10/2010
upper body lift 11/2011
Best of luck on your National Boards test on June 7!! I was in your shoes last June when I took my National Boards test. I became a National Board Certified Teacher in November 2007 in Exceptional Needs Specialist/ Early Childhood through Young Adulthood. I met so many great people along my journey. With all that you have been through, I am sure you can do this! Stay focused and the time will fly. It was helpful for me to use the headphones that were provided at the test site. I took my test at the Sylvan location on 50th in OKC. The people there were very nice.
It helped me to take my water bottle and a snack to have at the break. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for test!! I will introduce myself the next time I see you at a support meeting. I won't be there for the June 5th meeting because my niece is getting married. Again, best of luck. Sincerely, I Moore