New to OK board
Hello all. I have seen alot of your faces at WW support group 5-19. I am up around Enid so I can't make the walks but will join you in spirit. I have consult with Dr. B on Thursday about VGS. Really excited. After taking care of the world for 30 years I'm finally doing something for me. Thanks for allowing me to jump in to your message board. You all have no idea the supportI have found here.
You know it really depends on how quickly you want to move with this. This may not be the right advise for me to give you, however, if it were me, I would probably enjoy my Memorial Day weekend and enjoy all the cookout stuff one more time. You could either start Tuesday or after you see him. Since you don't have very much to lose, it shouldn't take you any time at all to reach that goal. Good luck.