Change of heart or stomach???
Joni, i tried pills, diets, I was told about WLS 9 years ago and I chickened out. So I wasted 9 years of just existing. Last year I made the decision to have gastric bypass, my brother wanted me to have the band and Like I told him its my body my life and I have researched it. So my advice to you is simple. RESEARCH and Be informed of the coomplications and success rate of each different surgery. THen do research on the surgeon you chose. How many surgeries has he/she preformed, what is their success rate, what kind of pre and post surgery support are you going to recieve, will they let you talk to previous patients, what kind of pre surgery help advice training etc do they offer. I personally looked at two different surgeons and I finally chose Dr. Keith due to his expereince his success rate and his program for before and after surgery. I am so glad I chose him. He is straight forward no nonsence kind of guy with a a sense of humor. As you said you need a tool, but at the same time you need to ask your self a simple question...why do allow food to control your life? That is the one question that will help you make the right decision for you. Rather you are being sleeved or RNY you have to take control of your addiction to food or it will transposed to something else. Since my surgery, I have lost a whole human being but in turn I found me AGAIN! The woman who wouldnt take no for answer and spoke her mind. I have had alot of complications which I have put on my blog but the question is would I do this again and the answer is hell ya! Rny saved me from the life of eatting myself to death and dying a young age where I wouldnt be a nusiance to my nieces and nephews (BTW I plan on living to be 138 and just agrivating them to no end). I would write down the pros and cons of having surgery versus not and realizing,not only will you have a tool but a life style change that is permnanet. Its alot to think about. If you have any questions that you would like to ask me I am blunt and open about my journey...Good luck to you and I will be sendinf postive thoughts your way...Pattye