Good Morning,
I hope all of you Moms had a wonderful Mothers Day yesterday. I certainly did, in fact the whole weekend was great. Yesterday was also our second sons birthday so we had a double celebration!
I feel that a lot of my time here on the board I have been whining about things going on in my life. My very sick DH and also my good friend Karen who has been battling brain cancer. I want to apologize for inflicting my problems on all of you. But, also want to let you know that I am so very thankful that the response and support I have received here is so warm. Thank you so much. It means more to me than I can put into words.
Some of you may wonder why I am not too active on the Michigan Board. I do not mean to put any other Boards down, but have posted on the Michgan (were I live) Board before and frequently got very little response. I am not sure why this is, but, it seems that they may have a small group (clique) of individuals who are what most everything revolves around. Or maybe my posts where just posted and at a bad time. Also, quite some time ago, I read some postings where I felt they were picking on and judgemental toward another person and wrote a post in her defense. The responses I received were rude and even a little mean. So, I have been turned off to them every since.
We had another bad incident with Steve, (hubby) this weekend and that helped me to make a final decision about whether or not I should be in school this summer. I have dropped my classes for this term and will re-evaluate where things are in the Fall.
Today, to be honest, I am overwhelmed with a sadness like I have never known before. I am really having a hard time dealing with his illness and also some other things that have happened within our family over the last week or so.
This has made me realize that maybe this is not the forum to vent about these things. Afterall, it was began as a place to lend encouatement and support to others like us who have had WLS or are thinging about it and I feel I not contributing what I should to help other folks with their issues.
So, I have decided to begin a Blog on my profile. I think this may be a more appropriate place to talk about what is going on in my life as well as address the effects of how this is affecting it. I think just getting some of my feelings down on paper could be theraputic for me.
Any of you who would care to read it are always welcome. I hope to get it started soon - maybe today or tommorw. Please feel free to leave any comments or thoughts for me as well. If any of you would like to contact me via my email address, I am thinking of including that there too.
When I do have a new addition to the Blog, I will just post a short note about that so those who wish to read it may do so.
Again, thank you dear new friends. I am so grateful to have found this board.
Of course I will continue to post here but think that my contributions should be positive and aimed at encouraging and helping folks going thru the issues of WLS surgery and the related difficulties we all face.