I'm home! Thanks for all of the good wishes from everyone. Especially a big thank you to Rita for being there with me. She really put my mind at ease. I still can't believe it's over. I'm not in much pain, just a little soreness on my abdomen. What's weird though is to not be hungry. But, I do feel weird when I drink my water. As soon as I take that sip, I can feel it going down into my stomach and it feels like my stomach is trying to digest it (for lack of better words) I can feel these rumblings in my stomach like it feels like when you are hungry and your stomach growls. Has anyone else experienced this. It's sort of uncomfortable and I thought maybe its air I'm swallowing with my water. I'm also dealing with not being able to eat, I feel like I should be having my 3 meals a day and it makes me kind of sad. I know that food will never be that for me again. What I'm really looking forward to is to see just how much I CAN eat when the time comes, because right now, I feel like I could eat anything. If I hadn't been there, I'd swear nothing was different, except for not being hungry. Let me know how you all felt during the post-op liquid stage!
Liz, I am so glad to hear you are doing well. I had the exact rumbling thing with my stomach. It calms down after a few days but you can still experience it. What really is weird is when your insides kind of burp. You will get some weird sounds and sensations from time to time. Don't panic. It is only painful now because you are post op. I agree that the head hunger thing is the hardest...even to this day. I will find myself eating because I am "supposed" to rather than because I am hungry. I try to tell myself "You are thirsty...you are not hungry" I sometimes still get sad about losing my friend food...but it wasn't a very good friend. It was hurting me more than it was helping me for sure. With time it all gets better. I always say take it one day at a time especially at first. I had a good cry on the first day home...the WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MYSELF! cry. So, don't be surprised if you have that one also...a lot of people do! Take care of yourself! I'm excited for you! Diana