A Reminder and Caring Request
I've been an avid knitter for about 3 years. There's several of us in Norman that meet regularly to chat and knit at a local bookstore or yarn shop. I've made many good friends. One of my very good friends got very weak and went to the ER just before this past Christmas. She is just 58. In the ER they found she was severely anemic and in need of transfusions. She was admitted to the hospital and quickly found that she had metastatic colon cancer. They did surgery to remove what they could, but it had already spread to other organs. My friend is now undergoing chemotherapy just to buy time ... they have told her it's incurable and this is just to try and giver her more days. I spent a Tuesday with her at the out-patient clinic while she received one of her bi-weekly chemo treatments that take several hours. We both knitted and talked, and she asked me if I had had my screening colonoscopy that is recommended for everyone when they reach the age of 50. I told her I hadn't, but that it was scheduled. She asked me to please plead with everyone to have that recommended screening colonoscopy at age 50. She said if she had done that, she wouldn't be where she is now... sitting in a clinic chair, receiving chemo to try and buy a few more days to help her husband and son get their lives in order. She said it with tears in her eyes.
Well, I had that colonoscopy yesterday, and thankfully all seems fine for me. It was a breeze and not painful at all. (I can't say the same for the prep....sheesh, but it wasn't horrible, just unpleasant and *not* quality time spent in the bathroom.) So, for Wilma, I'm encouraging everyone that's 50, or turning 50, to please see your family doctor and get your screening colonoscopy scheduled. Also, it was required by my surgeon for everyone 50 or above to have their colonoscopy done before surgery could be done. Also, annual mammogram had to be up to date, too. And then all the rest of the testing before surgery....so no stone should be left unturned. Stay healthy everyone!
My heart goes out to your friend! I know what it is like to have to deal with cancer its a horrible disease that doesnt care about who it attacks. Cheers to your friend for wanting others to be tested! If more people would take the time for a simple test more lives could be saved. I thank God that my Mom who died from mcancer impressed on me the importance of screenings and mammograms. I started having mammograms at the age of 28 and that has saved me some long nights worrying. And please dont forget annual pap smears. If it had not been for the one I took 4 years I would not beable to say I am a survivor...hugs to all!
being healthy has its rewards....take the challenge and just do it
Pamela, I haven't lost any weight yet! It wasn't bad at all! You are completely covered during the procedure....except a little space for the endoscope to proceed. The doctor isn't even noticing once he has the endoscope in place.....he jus****ches the monitor. They also give you medications that relax you before the procedure starts and you won't remember much, if anything at all. I chatted with the nurse during much of the procedure....at least that's what I think I remember. ; ) There are so many people having this done in the endoscopy unit, nobody notices anything about anybody's backside or any other body parts. You will be completely covered. So, go ahead and get it done! None of the staff care about weight or appearance....they are just interested in your health! Please go ahead and schedule. Don't let pride or embarrassment put your health at risk, please.