How the body functions after surgery.....not a nice topic
If you have had a RNY bypass....this question is for you..... (caution.....this is NOT a nice topic).
Have your bowel movements been affected? I'm not talking about dumping.....just your regular, run of the mill bowel movements. Were you constipated? If so, what did you use to deal with that?
Sorry for the "Highly Personal" question.....I'm just experiencing problems in that area and I'm concerned.
Thank you,
Lets just be blunt and say I have been so constipated I have thought about calling roter rooter for them to come and snake me out.LOL Especially when I travel. I have learned the old fashion MOM works the best plus I use benefiber occasionally. My friend and I discuss how before surgery we never belch or let of gas now its like everytime we ear we belch like crazy..And the tummy noises after eatting can be hilarious....Having RNY does give you wierd entertainment
being healthy has its rewards....take the challenge and just do it