Hello every one (RED Incision)

Carrie C.
on 3/21/08 9:17 am - Harrah, OK
Hey It's me Carrie. The sugery went well I am home. I did have to go to the Doctor today. The icision where the port is got really red and i have a low grade fever 99.2. The doctor said it looked like a skin irritation. I hope its not the start of an infection. He gave me antibiodics and told me to come back on Tuesday. Please pray for nothing to go wrong and if any one else has had this let me know. It really bothers me. Thanks every one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on 3/21/08 11:02 am - McAlester, OK
you will definately be in my prayers!!!! Keep us posted!
Shelly H.
on 3/21/08 11:26 am - Norman, OK
I'm praying for you, Carrie. Please keep us posted. Hopefully it's just your body reacting to the sutures and surgery with associated inflammation. Remember to keep deep breathing regularly to make sure you're keeping your lungs expanded well to prevent any respiratory stuff from starting up. I have been and will continue praying for you.  Shelly
Dot T.
on 3/21/08 11:30 am - Bartlesville, OK
Hope the antibiotics takes care of it for you!  Let us know what you find out on Tuesday!
Carrie C.
on 3/21/08 1:52 pm - Harrah, OK
Thanks every one for the prayers I will keep you all posted.
Michelle S.
on 3/22/08 1:36 am - Jenks, OK
Carrie, I guess I'm the queen of post-op issues.  I had 2 incisions get infected and they are ok now.  I just cleaned them with peroxide 2 times a day, put triple antiobiotic  ointment and then a gauze dressing.  Of course this was on the advice of the bariatric coordinator for my surgeon.  The antibiotics should take care of this.  Sending prayers and hugs kiddo!  Oh, and welcome to the loser's bench! Happy Easter! Michelle
You call me a LOSER like it's a bad thing!
Pre-op/Surgery/ Post-op/Current/Goal
(deactivated member)
on 3/22/08 6:58 am
The port incision is just a little booger.  Also, remember, as larger people our skin is right next to a bunch of fat-sewing us up can't be that fun or easy.  I've said a prayer for you and wish you all the best.  I'm sure you'll be fine.
Shelly H.
on 3/22/08 11:00 am - Norman, OK
Carrie, I hope your redness is going away and that you're feeling comfortable today. I also hope you're getting to enjoy your weekend. Continuing to pray for you,  Shelly
Tressa S.
on 3/22/08 12:14 pm - Salina, OK
Sending prayers your way. Be careful though. I had a post-op infection that had to be opened and packed for weeks. Don't let it go if it is not better get back to Dr.
on 3/22/08 12:23 pm - Wheatland, OK
I would not put anything salve or ointment on it...and let air get to it. I had a massive severe infection that lead me back to the OR. My advice is this wa**** teice a day with soap and water and just keep a check on it. If it seems to be getting darker in color and feels hot to the touch call your doc. Other than that dont worry. YOu will be fine.
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