Hi, glad to meet you all
I have been snooping around this board for a week now so I thought I would pop in and say hi.
I am in the beginning of the process for surgery. I have picked a Doctor. I have Dr. Broussard. I did the seminar and my first appt. I have to say it wasn't anything like I thought. I have to have so many test before they will even do the surgery. My mind knows this is all good and well but my heart was so set on this immediately. I feel so so frustrated right now. I am also having to wait for my insurance approval and not sure how that will turn out. It may be that they make me wait for 6 months or longer anyways. I have called them 4 times and had 4 different answers. They all say it is covered but no straight answer on what qualifies for surgery. So I wait as patiently as i know how and that isn't good for me. lol.
I want to thank all of you who take the time to answer questions because I have received so much good information from this board. I will continue to creep around and maybe even post from time to time.
By the way, if you have empire bcbs, let me know how that panned out for you.