Man time has flown for me this week. Not that I am complainin..... Had my EGD yesterday. man that stuff they make you gargle is NASTYYYY wowsers.... I hope I never have to taste that stuff anymore. BLah yuck... lol
Well for the last few months I thought I was having a reoccuring stomach virus.... WRONGO.... I have a bleeding ulcer. Lovely, my week has been bad news left and right. 2 out of 3 days I get news that I dont want to hear. So now I have this very large bottle of medicine that I have to take 30 minutes before meals and 30 minutes before bed to heal the ulcer. Dr said I might have to stay on the nexium to prevent it from happening again. At least its something that will go away. Now I know that it was more then just a stomach bug and hopefully next time I will know and can get in and get it taken care of.
I came home yesterday, and it was soooo nice to sleep in my own bed last night. I couldnt stop huggin my kids. I missed them so much. I was looking forward to get the away me time but I ended up moopey the whole time cause I felt so alone and empty without my husband and kids.
I go back to Tulsa Monday and will stay the night since I have appointments both days. Then thursday I go to the dr and I think its my last appointmet before surgery. Wooohoooo. Work is missing me and sad to say I have even missed it. My poor desk was just covered with piles of stuff for me this morning. But I only have 3 days of work after today well besides coming in on the weekend for a couple hours. So that makes the time between now and surgery seem even shorter.
Well I better get some work done. Hope that you are all well. I am really bummed that I didnt get to make it to the dinner. I was so down with a migraine I slept right through it. I hope to meet some of you very soon! I havent been on these boards very long but I gotten addicted to you all!
Hugs to everyone