Day 7 post-op
I'm doing good. My pouch doesn't like yogurt, cottage cheese, or runny oatmeal, though. The only protien drink I like is Isopure. Mashed tatters, refried beans, and cheese are all awesome though. Tomorrow I'm going to do cheese and crackers and peanut butter and crackers.
I got 36oz of liquids in yesterday. That was good for me. My goal is to just get a little more every day until I'm at or exceeding goal.
I had a bit of a "down" day this morning. I was pretty emotional and weepy until nap. During my nap I had some flowers delivered though. That'll cheer anyone!
I've got a pain in my upper left side of my abdomin. It took me a couple of days to figure out what it is so I can correct it. I have to reach over my head to get my shampoo and such in the shower and I've been reaching too far. I moved my shampoos and hopefully it'll heal. I see Dr W on Monday though, so I will definitely be mentioning it.
I'm sorry I haven't been on much. My granny is here and my husband and my son. I don't feel like fighting to get to the computer so I've just stuck to reading.
Anyhow, I'll update more as I can.
Beginning 265/surgery 255/goal 140/ low 122/ current 158!!!
Post RNY 12/6/07, Post Abdominiopasty/Hernia repair 3/4/09
Dr. W gives a day by day schedule of what we're allowed through day 6. Then you stick with those foods until your follow-up.
Day of discharge is jus****er, crystal lite, v-8splash, sugar free popsicles
Day 3 is broth and nibbles of saltines, jell-o, boullon, strained soups (no creamy soups)
Day 4 is dilluted oatmeal or cream of wheat, low fat yogurt, and starting your protien drinks
Day 5 is mashed potatoes, cheese and crackers, peanut butter and crackers, may add salt/pepper/butter/shred cheese
Day 6 is cottage cheese, canned peaches or pears in lite syrup or splenda, refried beans (can, taco mayo, or taco bell, or homemade) add cheese.
Since I go back today, I'm interested in seeing what happens. I've tried everything except the canned fruit. I've just had enough sweet for a while.
Beginning 265/surgery 255/goal 140/ low 122/ current 158!!!
Post RNY 12/6/07, Post Abdominiopasty/Hernia repair 3/4/09