Since Tonja is feeling under the weather, I thought I would have a go at this one... What is the stupidest thing you have ever accidently said outloud? I'm going to answer this for someone else. Since I have made it known at the office of my wls, my boss told me that "Now he will be the only BIG one in the office - Thanks A lot!!"
Ok I will play. This just happened a few months ago.
Sitting in the OB/GYN office with my DD. She had been feeling under the weather and wasn't looking forward to her yearly exam (read PAP). Doctor looks up and says well you are pregnant. I say "How did this happen?". Everyone turned and looked at me. I imagine it looked pretty stupid for a mother sitting there with her pregnant daughter to ask.
To ease everyone's mind I know how babies are made. I was just wondering how her BC that she is faithful with failed.
(deactivated member)
on 10/12/07 2:46 am
on 10/12/07 2:46 am
Ok, once a guy said (in a joking way) "if you'd marry me, I could take you away from all this".
And I said "Oh, the thought of marriage makes me want to puke" and then I saw his face and I realized he was serious.
In my defense, I had made no bones about my desire not to be married, to him, or anyone. And no, I didn't marry him to make up for it and he found someone else to marry shortly thereafter.
So, was I stupid for not marrying him? I don't know. But after that I'm a lot more careful with flippant answers. The funny thing is, he's probably forgotten me and that remark, but I've carried it with me forever. Not because I was in love with him, but I truly do not like to hurt people.
I ran into a former teacher at the Kiddie Park ( was around 23 or 24 at the time and she was probably early 30's). She was there with her daughter that was about a year older than my daughter and I asked her when her baby was due!!
She WASN'T pregnant! UGH!!! How embarrassing!!!!! She said "I'm not having another baby, I'm just FAT!"
I wanted to shrink down and hide under a rock!
Note, I was MUCH skinnier then! I would NEVER say such a thing these days!
I also find myself with a remark or two. The latest one is a comment made on a co-worker in our office. He liked to wear very bright colors of shirts and slacks and just appear in my office. One day I was busy and in my own little world and turned around to seeing him just standing there not saying a word until I turned around. He asked "Is this bright enough for you?" Before thinking I said "you look like a d*(& Easter Egg". Well, that was the last time he came by my office and asked me that question. It was one of those times as a supervisor that you really wanted to pull the words back into your mouth. Anyway he is no longer with the AGency - not because of me but because come to find out he had been causing some other problems with the single girls in the office. We term that as a "positive turnover".
Gee, there are so many, how do I pick just one? I went to lunch one day with a group of friends from my office. We were all talking and laughing. My friend had just gotten a divorce from her husband. I opened my big mouth and told everybody her ex-husband had come over to my apartment when they were still married and propositioned me. I hope she's forgiven me or forgotten about it entirely. Her ex tried to make it with most of her friends---he was a real jerk.
Just the other day in class something was mentioned about the money ppl spend on diets and me and my big mouth, I said out loud, "diets that OBVIOUSLY don't work" Now - I was thinking of myself and all my failed attemps, but then I realize how it was taken cuz I'm like the smallest person in the room!!! Oh, did I feel like an idiot!!!!