Saturday Get Together
Our Saturday get together was sooo fun!!!!
We met at the mall (I need a bigger sign next time girls) heehee
There were five of us there. We all shared about where we are at in this wls journey. Had everything from preop to 4 weeks out to 2.5 years out. We talked about what works for us and what we found that doesn't work. We talked about our families and all kinds of stuff.
We missed you Dapht!!!!
We all agreed that it was so fun we want to do it again and perhaps get it on a regular basis (like monthly or something).
Thanks everyone who made it out!!!! Sherrie, we're praying for a speedy medical clearance for you!!
Oh what a wonderful time I had meeting the girls, We talked so much I talked to much I promise to be a little more silent next time, LOL I can't wait till will do it again Pam thank you so much for coming I know that you are still weak
Sherrie can't wait for you to have yours will come see you in the hospital
Tressa you look great already
And our leader wow is all I can say
Will look forward to next time
I enjoyed every minute of it and really hated to leave but my rear end was hurting from those wooden chairs! It was so great to hear what everybody had to say (no you didn't talk too much Sandy) and to talk about my own experiences. I think a small group was so conducive for sharing and getting to know each other. I'm so glad I attended and am looking forward to the next get together!!!
Pam - I'm just noticing you've lost 27 lbs in just under a month!!!!! Woooooo Hooooooo That is so excellent
It was a fun day. It was such a great time of getting to know one another, it makes cheering each other on so much easier on the boards here when we get to meet that person.
Thanks for coming!!!

I am slow at posting.. internet not working at home so had to wait til i got to work. I had a great time! We all seemed comfortable with each other and I had worried about that. It was encouraging to hear everyones story and even with troubles that some have had its good to see there is light at the end of the tunnel. you all are wonderful and i enjoyed myself. its great to talk to someone that has been where i am. today is my ultrasound of my heart..
When we were in the van on the way home Dennis said, "Mom, those are nice ladies, I am glad you made new friends" . We have been talking about him trying to make new friends lately and I hope that him seeing me making new friends will encourage him to do so also.... So You all have helped in more ways than you can imagine! thank ya thank ya.
Sherri - I'm so blessed by what your son said. Good friends are an awesome thing!!! I think you'll see a lot more possitive changes in him as you make changes in your life. Just by you stepping out and saying 'I don't have to live like this, and I'm going to change' it shows a lot to him!! Keep it up!!
its been a hard change but with my family and friends supporting me i can do it. , had the ultrasound on my heart today.. that was painful.. he had to push hard and it bruised me and ripped the skin a bit under my breast.. ouchie!!!!! i figure no pain no loss (no more gain for me!) i am just glad i havent had to drink any of that nasty stuff this round of tests.. that stuff that is supposed to taste like banana taffy but really tastes like puke!