Greatest Fear Question
I have been reading this board for a while and appreciate so much information and encouragement that can be found here. I am in my 3 month supervised weight loss/exercise program right now. I keep wondering if I should do lap band or gastric bypass. My greatest fear is the sagging, left over skin. I can be fairly sure that I will have scary looking arms, stomach and thighs. I wonder if chosing to lose weight slower via the lap band would decrease the amount of sagging skin I would have or if it is inevitable. My husband says we'll just save up for plastic surgery. I am more terrified of plastic surgery than almost any surgery. I've seen the plastic surgeries following WLS on TV and it looks extremely painful and terrifying.
Thanks for any info you may have
Well, I always laugh when someone says that lap band is slower - that's not necessarily true!!!
What you need to do is weigh the pros and cons of both surgeries including risk involved with both - then talk to your family about these risks and then decide what is best for you. It's not a matter of fast or slow weight loss...exercise is going to play a big part on how things go back into place and then sometimes...they just don't go back into place. That's where plastic surgery comes in.
My greatest fear was dying because I didn't have wls.
Don't worry about the extra skin!
Obesity Help Support Group >
I had a tummy tuck and lipo of the side flanks performed by Nathan Miller with Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates in Oklahoma City on June 23rd, 2009.
I had a tummy tuck and lipo of the side flanks performed by Nathan Miller with Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates in Oklahoma City on June 23rd, 2009.
I can understand your fear. It's completely reasonable and one that many people have in the back of their minds.
I think, though, when you weigh the pros & cons of WLS vs extra skin, you'll find that, for most of us, the benefits of WLS far outweigh the concerns of extra skin.
I think that it's a common misconception that lapband is slower. Although, will admit that's the reputation. It's easier to cheat with the you don't have the malabsorption factor like you do with the bypass. However, if you look at the 5-year rates, the weightloss is pretty much even.
I didn't have a choice of which procedure, due to underlying medical conditions...and still wish I'd had the other. However, I'm grateful that my doctor was able to band me and although I've not seen any weight loss yet, I realize that I still haven't had my first fill and that when it comes, it will be easier to follow the bandster rules.
I wish you luck in your decision, but would hope that the concern of extra skin isn't the deciding factor.
Thanks for all your responses. Trust me, I am having WLS no doubt about it. I went shopping with my 16 year old and saw myself in those awful mirrors today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yes, the knees hurt! I'm 42 and I've been fat 20 years. I have lost 20 gained 30, lost 50 gained 60, lost 65 gained 70....I'm sure you all know what I'm saying....been there and done that and all. I think you can cheat on both surgeries from what I read on the boards. That scares me too!!! I'm glad to know the facts. It will help in making my decision. Off to bed now....I work in the morning!!! I should not be up this late!
Oh, and I hope I replied correctly. I new to boards and posting.
It's actually a two year rate of comparison that the band vs. bypass are the same.
But I tell ya...whatever you surgery you will be the right decision for you.
One thing you will find with the OK board is that we are all PRO-WLS - so we're going to support you no matter what!
Obesity Help Support Group >
I had a tummy tuck and lipo of the side flanks performed by Nathan Miller with Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates in Oklahoma City on June 23rd, 2009.
I had a tummy tuck and lipo of the side flanks performed by Nathan Miller with Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates in Oklahoma City on June 23rd, 2009.
(deactivated member)
on 9/29/07 2:30 am
on 9/29/07 2:30 am
This is such a great forum-I said that for over a year myself-why bother because I'll still have saggy left over skin, I STILL won't look good. So, I let that little bit of what if keep me fat another year-another year of aching feet, aching knees, shortness of breath-and then it hit me-I don't care what I look like as long as I can FEEL better. Because, OMIGOSH, this weight is KILLING ME and it isn't all about appearance it's about health too.
I can laugh now, because I've said those same words before, but suddenly, this time, with aching feet and knees, I really and truly got it-that there was something besides how I looked that was at stake. I'm pretty thick skulled, so it took 46 years.
Morbidly obese means deathly obese-and if you are dead you won't care whether or not your skin sags. Suddenly, I was more interesting in living my life than looking good on the beach. I really and truly got it-I could die. Me. And there are people here I care about, and my pets and a whole list of things I want to do yet.......
If I can afford it, I will have plastic surgery and am actually planning on being able to afford it and doing it. But if I can't, or if I get there and some dog needs a hip replacement, I might not. But the point is, I'll get there alive and healthy.
One worry at a time.
I have probably said this before , but i just admire your attitude so much ,,, maybe it is because i am 46 too hehe ., maybe it is our love for dogs , i dont know but you are awesome !! i am going to make that my motto , "one worry at a time"