oh meeting in lawton
I am doing pretty good so far except for the ripped muscles at my incision point. I sneezed while driving and didnt brace myself...talk about excrutiating pain...oh well, other than that doing great...had my 2 week post op yesterday and have lost 22 pounds so far...Doc says i am doing great just need to take it easy until the muscles heal themselves...he said it would be a couple of weeks before the pain goes away so i just have to wait it out.
As for the meetings, i honestly would have no idea what to do since I have yet to go to one...this would have been my first but I guess I will not have to wait until next month. I look forward to it.
Thank you very much. It has been a hard one, not too long like some people but a hard one. I will have to say, giving up caffeine and cigarettes were the hardest things I have ever had to do...the only problem (not really) is that I have no vices left...what do i do now...lol....I guess i will loose some weight then...lol