a question
I have a quick question ,,, I have an appt . for a consultation with the sleep study doc , this week ,,,I am just wondering what that will be about ,,it is my last appt. before Dr. G on Fri.,, i have all the other tests knocked out. I am just one of those "planners" that likes to know what to expect
thanks guys!!

I never had to have a sleep study done...call me a lucky one, I suppose. However, 2 gals I work with also had Dr. G for their surgeon.
Both had to do two sleep studies. Both times, they were hooked up to a bazillion wires. One, you had to sleep without a c-pap. The second time...with a c-pap. They compare the two readings, I guess.
From what I understand, it can take a bit of time to get those scheduled, so if I were you, I would ask if there were other facilities that Dr. G would accept studies from. That way, if one is booked through October, you may be able to find one that's only booked through September.
Ask Kim this when you go in on Friday. She helped me set up pre-op testing through Edmond Medical Center so I didn't have to wait a month for Baptist to do my cardiogram.
Good luck!
I am not sure what to tell you about a consult with a sleep study doc. I was sent for a sleep study and the data was sent back to my own surgeon. The facility at Weightwise has a sleep study center in it and it uses the services of a third party center. I would think that if you needed one earlier than the center you are using, you can always call Weightwise or Foundation Bariatric Hospital to see if they can fit you in as well.
I ended up doing two sleep studies. I happened to be a guinea pig for the sleep study center and did my first when they were not completely set up. Because of my first study, I was sent for a second because of my breathing stoppages and the need for the titrate study. I ended up with a CPAP and was able to quit using it approximately four months after RNY because I no longer needed it.
I would think the kind of questions they will ask you are: Do you fall asleep when you are sitting still watching TV? Do you feel rested in the mornings or do you drag all day? Things like that. That gives them some idea about how much rest you are getting and they can check a standard scale that will help them with your tests.
Good Luck No matter what happens it is the last of the steps you need in order to complete your certification for surgery!!
Certified OH Support Group Leader
No sleep study here!
P.S. I like to plan too!
Obesity Help Support Group > http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/tonjasm_group/
I had a tummy tuck and lipo of the side flanks performed by Nathan Miller with Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates in Oklahoma City on June 23rd, 2009.
I had a tummy tuck and lipo of the side flanks performed by Nathan Miller with Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates in Oklahoma City on June 23rd, 2009.
I actually had to have a sleep study consult with Dr. Schwartz. He is a wonderful doctor if that is where Dr. G is sending you. They had me do another set of pulmonary function testing but they told me that if they knew that I had already completed them, they wouldn't have done them. Basically, he comes in, asks you a ton of questions about your sleeping habits. You may have to fill out a questionaire about your sleeping, and then he decides if you need a sleep study done. If you have to have one done, you may have to do two nights, if they find anything wrong on your first night.
Back in "05" when I was going thru Surgical Associates I was sent to a Pulmonary Doctor and Had to blow into a devise that was hooked up to a machine. I don't know the name of the test. Any way I was able to pass that test so they didn't need a sleep study test. To my understanding that meant I didn't have Sleep Apnea.
I guess every doctor could do it differently.
I am the sleep study pro! They will ask you questions concerning your sleep habits if there is something that seems to indicate a sleep study to done. Then you will go in be wired up have this awful gluop in your hair and feel like a lab rat! Then they let you get comfy and when its close to your normal sleep time they will ask you to wink move your arms, and legs and they say nightie night. With mine I was diagnosed with 2 hours of falling asleep I have to go back cause each time they try to regulate the air on the cpap it breaks....go figure. BTW..sleep center of NW OKC...serves conitnental breakfast....
OK i am cracking up about the contintntal breakfast ....too funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have already had my pulmonary testing , so maybe i will avoid the sleep test,, if not , oh well , i have been thru worse and it cant hurt to find out for sure ,, especially if the doc feels it is necessary,,,,,,,,,,,hey i am a great "lab rat"