negative comments
Mostly from friends and family , I have recieved nothing but positive comments as I have told them about my desire to have surgery. I have had just a few negative comments , oddly enough from people who are over weight as well, I just took them with a grain of salt and didnt let them phase me . I am very determined and highly motivated , but still scared and nervous . I am even nervous about my testing Thursday even though i dont anticipate anything to be wrong , and i am very nervous to meet with Dr. G on the 14th, isnt that silly

There is nothing silly or crazy or anything about the emotions you are feeling. I would think there was something wrong with someone if they didn't feel some type of emotions with going through this.
Just remember - even if there are negative comments - you are doing this for you - for your health - and you know that it is right. Just keep positive thoughts. And, if you do start feeling unsure, please share your feelings with us so that we can help you out!
Obesity Help Support Group >
I had a tummy tuck and lipo of the side flanks performed by Nathan Miller with Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates in Oklahoma City on June 23rd, 2009.
I had a tummy tuck and lipo of the side flanks performed by Nathan Miller with Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates in Oklahoma City on June 23rd, 2009.
thank you so much , it is so comforting to know people understand how i feel. I really knew when i was at the support group on Sat. that the support of others would be very important to me !! and boy was i right , no one can truly understand unless they have been there . I am the type of person that feels everything very deeply , so everything about this has been emotional, but in a very good way. Thank you again.

Fortunately, you're getting the positve support from friends and family. Those are the opinions that matter most (besides ours here on OH
(just kidding))
There will always be people who aren't going to be supportive. Perhaps they're jealous because they can't find funding. Perhaps they don't want you to be thin (because they'll be left behind). Perhaps they're truly scared about the risks because they've not researched it enough.
Whatever the reason, I'm glad you're not letting them affect you. Too many of us are influenced by what others say/think/believe.
I don't blame you for being nervous about your consult with Dr. G. I think it's normal to be a bit leary of someone who "in our minds" has the power to make or break whether we have WLS. I felt like I was talking to my boss asking for a raise during my initial consult (well...until the conversation got heated and he raised his voice at me...boy did I turn submissive after that)
Hang in there and let us know how it goes. We're here for you!

cathy , i think you really summed it up , and i appreciate the support and the kind words . I think that is exactly how i feel about meeting with Dr. G,, in my mind he holds my fate in his hands . thank you again

(deactivated member)
on 9/4/07 12:28 pm
on 9/4/07 12:28 pm
I have had a long life and an illustrous history of people commenting on weightloss methods-so much so that I didn't even want to tell anyone I was getting the band. But then I decided to treat my band like my tattoos-very matter of fact, and as a rule, after the fact. I told a few key people, but then told everyone else afterward-Guess what I did-I went and got myself a lapband!!!!!!
I love my tats and I love my band-and I know neither of those things is for everyone. What is the old saying-it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission?
Weight and weight loss is one of those really weird private yet somehow public things. I was self pay, so the idea of plopping down THAT much money and failing just made me cringe. I went to Mexico, and the idea of the riducule I'd face if it went bad and I lived to tell the tale.....and that's when it hit me-I was more concerned with what people would think about me going to Mexico than I was about dying in Mexico. In part this was because I didn't think I'd die, but in part it was because I am very self concious.
Remember, if something happens and you don't get the band-that's a clear sign that it wasn't the right thing or the right time for you, and together we'll come up with something else. If you DO get the band, that's a pretty good indication now is your time, and again, we are all here for you.
Howdy hey! Is it not strange how those that make the most negavtive comments are the ones who have issues of their own? I have a made a reply up for those who have such negative comments for me. And that is this come talk to me when you know what you are talking about. As for the nervousness it would be strange if you weren't. Just stay positive and be positive. I promise Dr. G. does not bite.
This is a big step you are taking and you shouldn't take it lightly, or you are not thinking it throught. I had gastric by-pass back in May and all I can say is ALL RIGHT!!!!!!!! Where has this been all my life. My nerves didn't hit until they wheeled me into surgery. Then I guess it was too late. Lea Ann