Today I went to my Husbands family reunion. I wasnt happy to go mainly because I am not happy with myself and partly because some of his family have been mean to me and my kids. Anywho, the kids and I cut and ran after 2 hrs. While Scott sayed to visit more. He called me to have me talk to his cousin, who we couldnt place earlier in the day, because the last time we saw him he was quite big. I was able to talk to him for a bit on the phone . his wife and he both had the surgery and he alone has lost 230#. no wander we didnt reconise him! he was very incouraging and said if I had any questions call him or his wife. The great thing about it is they answered questions that scott had that I couldnt answer yet because I havent had the surgery. I guess he was more worried about it than I thought. well just wanted to share my thoughts with everyone. I am pretty excited that I actually know someone that is a success.