Anyone had DS??
Have you contacted Dr. Russell Gornichec's office? I know he does different types of bariatric surgeries. From what I understand, and I may be wrong in my understanding, the DS is not that commonly performed in Oklahoma. Have you tried posting on the DS forum? You might find answers there. After looking on that forum though, I didn't see in docs in the Oklahoma area.
Good luck with your searching. After you find out, would you mind posting back to the Oklahoma board so others will know? I know others would appreciate it!
Obesity Help Support Group >
I had a tummy tuck and lipo of the side flanks performed by Nathan Miller with Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates in Oklahoma City on June 23rd, 2009.
I had a tummy tuck and lipo of the side flanks performed by Nathan Miller with Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates in Oklahoma City on June 23rd, 2009.
Thanks !! I found a Dr. in TX. That does DS in Denton TX. That is suppost to be very good. And that is 2-3 hours from me I am going to call him and check it out. I want DS cuz the long term sucess rate is so much higher I love food and I am scared I will go back after a few years and to me that would be worse than now to get skinnny which I have never been my whole life then slowly go back to the way I am now No I only want to do this ONCE !!!