New show on The Learning Channel
For all of you that have cable tv and get The Learning Channel, Starting on Monday of next week they will begin broadcasting a new show called Big Medicine. I'm looking forward to this and I'm hoping to glean more information and help out of it also. It will be on Monday evening sometime. I look forward to watching it and seeing what goes on.

Let the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, oh Lord my strength and my redeemer.
I saw the show and was glad they showed different people in different stages of the process. There was a guy about 650 lbs. and bedridden who was preparing for surgery, then a girl filmed before surgery and post surgery six months after who lost 100 lbs. Then there was a teenage girl who had lost 170 lbs. and had plastic surgery to get rid of her excess skin. After she healed she looked fantastic in a bikini!