The countdown's getting lower
54 more days until we leave for Broken Arrow, OK!!!!
I'm quiting my job today, I just don't have time to work right now. (heeeheee)There is sooooo much to do in order to get ready. DH had a phone call last night on an open position with a company in Tulsa. They need someone in TWO weeks though - UGH!! I'm not sure how this will play out, but if it turns into a REAL job offer and he takes it, then we'll really have to adjust our moving schedule. We'd probably leave right after school gets out June 5th!
But for now, I'm concentrating on getting rid of extra stuff, and sorting out drawers of paperwork and junk. I don't enjoy the moving process
But can't wait to get to BA!!!!!!!
PS. We have a house all lined up, and the owners are willing to wait for us until July 2, even though it'll be ready earlier. Thank you Jesus for working things out!!!!
Bless your sweet heart!!!!!! I'm so going to love it in OK, how could I not when I'm strating out with such great FRIENDS!!!!!
As of today, we've got 47 more days.... it's going fast. I'm sorting clothes and getting rid of stuff left and right!
I'll definately let you know when we will be arriving, as of today it will be July 2.