First Surgeon Appt.
Thank you for wishing me well
I saw Dr. Warnock yesterday and you were right, he didn't say he couldn't do it. He actually told me that I was a perfect candidate. I need to be cleared by Cardiology and we'll set the date. He put me on a liquid protein diet for the next two weeks...probably to give me my first taste of what meal times are going to be like for me lol. I'm actually looking forward to the day when a couple of spoonfuls of something will fill me, being hungy 24/7 is for the birds lol.

Hi Donna, Names Lea Ann, I am also a Dr. Warnock's patient. He is great. I go Wednesday for my second appt. before surgery on May 18th. Good Luck. They are suppose to have a support group meeting the 19th at the church down from Scotts House of Flowers I think at 1:00. Dr. Warnock want you to attend 2 support meetings and they are great. Holler at me soon. Lea Ann