BCBS Federal( Standard).? What were your fees?
Hi Sher,
I have BCBS federal (basic). I was really impressed with how much the insurance covered. My total out of pocket expenses were about $1700. But, some of that was the hospital co-pay which was $100 a night---I was in the hospital 4 nights. And then I also had to pay the psych Dr. a little over $200 because I forgot to call BCBS and have that appt pre-approved.
I used in-network DR's and hospital.
Hope this info helps.
I have BCBS Fed standard also.
Here's what I had to pay:
Doctor- Deduct-97.04(I already paid part of the deductable on something else), co insurance 195.51 (total 292.55)
Surgery Assistance - total 41.04 (I was told from the dr's office BCBS Fed doesn't pay for SA's but they did)
Anesthesia - Total 90.00
Hospital - 100.00
15.00 co pay for the doctor's office visits.
15.00 for the phsycologist (sp?) appointment,
15.00 for the physical therapist.
I also had to pay 200 for the dietitan, but we got reimbursed for 180 of that.
By the time it was all said and done, I probably paid $600 with all the pre-op lab work. Your cost could be different though since doctor's charge different fees.
Good luck!!!