Introduce Yourself*** how many of us are here?????????
It's funny...I said I was going to make it a point to post on the Oklahoma board every day and so far - it hasn't happened. It's amazing how busy I really am or maybe I'm not really busy - but don't get on the computer like I thought I would.
At any rate, I'm Tonja and I've lived in the OKC area for about 15 months now. I love the area. I moved here from Sapulpa.
I'm 33 - almost 34, married for about 8 1/2 years to an awesome man and have two wonderful daughters and a onerie ShihTzu who is about 3 years old.
I've been banded for almost 6 months now and love it. I mostly post on the main board.
I'm really serious that I am going to try harder to post more often on the Oklahoma board.
Hi everyone, it's great to meet you all
I'm in Lawton and trying to get a referral to Dr. Warnock in Wichita Falls, TX. I started the process at Reynolds back in October, but one thing after another is holding me back. I was just informed last week that now the surgery won't be done at the Army hospital anymore so I need to start over lol.

Hey!!! My name is Ronda Bell, I live in Wilburton, OK. I check this forum and the main RNY forum a couple of times a week. I had lap RNY in Dec. 2006- And drum roll please.....I have lost 75 lbs. I had a really good experience with Oklahoma Weight losss Options in Norman and surgery at Norman Regional. It is about a 3 hour drive from my home, but all of my friends have gone there with great results.
Hi, my name is Tina and I am just about finished with my work-up for a lapband. I live in Guthrie. I know that my insurance will pay for the surgery, just waiting for the approval. I see Dr Gornichec tomorrow to review all of my tests. Can hardly wait to have surgery. I have attended a couple of support group meetings and it is awesome to see others who are successful after a life of being overweight like myself.
Look forward to joining the rest of you losers!!! lol
I'm still around
I live a little ways east of OKC. I work three jobs and have a houseful of boys I clean up after
so I don't get here nearly as much as I promised myself I would.
I like to see this site, and see you encouraging one another, though. I think that is so important!
Best wishes, all!

(deactivated member)
on 4/12/07 10:54 am - Oklahoma City, OK
on 4/12/07 10:54 am - Oklahoma City, OK
Hi, I'm Bree and I had my RNY proximal in KC,MO with Dr Thomas Helling who has since moved to Pennsylvania. In May I'll not only be 45, but! I'll be 5 yrs post op.
I've been on this site since November 2001 but in the past 3 yrs have mainly done the chat room but don't anymore..sick of the ridiculous cliques there and hatefulness.
Anyway, I check Email every day several times as our boss on the PD dept posts any schedules and etc's through email. I also check out the Missouri board and still hear once or twice a year from long timers there who had the same doc.
He had a great process for the surgery. You had a 3 mos wait for consult and pre insurance stuff, The day of consult you had 3 hrs of information and education and then saw the doc for a 1/2 hr. Then you went to the 2 hr group for support from posties, preops and family members of surgery patients. Once you had the consult it was a 6 mos wait during which you were required to have 2 psych appts, attend at least 3 support meetings and do nutritional counseling.
It was a good process that prepared you fully for the day of surgery to know what to expect! Plus by the time of surgery you were very very ready and educated. It's a process I deeply believe in. Too many docs seem to do the surgery in such a hurry and patients have complications of their own causation.
I am also in the medical field although I do NOT..repeat NOT ever give medical advice..ASK YOUR DOCTOR OR RN medical questions! As posties, long term or short term we can share our experiences but we are not medical experts.
I have not had plastic surgery at all and have lost a total of 200 lbs, have settled up about 30 lbs higher than my lowest weight since this overlarge stoma issue has reared it's head AND due to not being able to weight train and run like I'd been doing for so long. (a bad internal injury issue)
Even with this issue going on and everything I went through I have not one day ever EVER regretted this surgery. I do keep up with blood workups and my protein counts as best I possibly can. Plus I do my supplements to the max...never let down on that!
Hugs to all of you pre op or nearly post! it's worth the trip believe me!
(check out my pics in my profile!)