APRIL 3RD, 2007- Banding Together is a support group for Lap Band patients and family members. The group meets the first Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m. in Edmond, Oklahoma.

APRIL 5TH 2007- StapleMates is a support group for gastric bypass patients and family members. The group meets the first Thursday of every month at 6 p.m. in Edmond, Oklahoma.
These groups meets at: Foundation Bariatric Hospital of Oklahoma WeightWise HealthPlex - Edmond, OK 1800 S. renaissance Blvd. , Second Floor Edmond, OK 73013

Come to one or both, our support groups are for EVERYONE, for those just beginning their journey, to those that are a few years out, and friends and family are welcome too!

Come and get the support you need!