Gotta have a get together this year!
Okay, so here's the deal. I had organanized a get together, LAST spring, but it all kind of fell apart (my best friend was losing his battle with cancer...we actually lost him about a week before when the picnic would've been).
How's about we try for this year. I'm thinking Haikey Creek Park in Broken Arrow, or Hunter Park in Tulsa. Maybe in early to mid June? I'm pregnant and really having a struggle, so as many people as would like to help would be appreciated. It would be great to get together and meet, let our kids play together...etc. So, whadya say?
I think that would be a great idea. I would love to meet some local peeps. I think Haikey Creek would be nice. I hope to have my RNY sometime in June but I have to finish my 3 mo supervised diet first. I only have 2 more months to go.
Gotta run.... I have to get ready for my daughter's 5th b-day party today.