Oklahoma Bound - Broken Arrow Area
Hey Oklahoma people - me and my family (seven of us) will be moving to Broken Arrow this summer. We will be coming down the first two weeks of July to try to arrange housing/ jobs etc..
Any recommendations on locations, school districts, and what not???
I just spent a week down there last week - in the BEAUTIFUL 70 degree weather
but I wasn't able to do a lot of work on housing.
Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Oh yes, my husband is a truck driver and he'll be looking for work in the same field.
Laurie - currently from Michigan

Laurie, Broken Arrow is my favorite place in the world.
My hubby and kids and I have been gone from there for a few years, but are getting ready to move back (we actually sign the contract on our house tomorrow night! Yippee!)
Broken Arrow Schools are GREAT!
What brings you this way?
Please feel free to contact me...I'd love to help you in any way I can.
If you will let me know what you're looking for in the way of housing (price range, # of bed rooms, etc...) I would be happy to get out and do some detective work for you. Just say the word. Daph
Wow, thanks for the encouragement about Broken Arrow. I'm sooo looking forward to getting moved and settled (we're not moving until July).
We'll be attending RHEMA Bible Training Center so we'll be looking for a house in that area of Broken Arrow. Not sure on the price yet, we haven't started looking. We will need a 4 - 5 bedroom home though. 5 bedrooms if my oldest daughter, who's 19, joins us in OK. I'm praying and believing that she will!!!
Hope you have a safe move.