HI New Here ,Looking for a good surgeon
Hello All
I have decided I need to get a gastric by pass ,I was living in Utah and was trying to have it done there but after 2 yrs and no progress I gave up . We moved here to Tulsa Ok to be near by boyfriends family. I really need to get this weight off ,if I guessed I am around 430 now . I have a list of some surgeons to look into but if anyone knows of a great surgeon in my area please tell me. I have Medicare and Medicade any have had this surgery using them? Any problems? I am a single mom with 2 kids at home still a 14 son and 15 daughter ,I need to do this because I hurt my knees awhile ago and now I barely able to walk around anymore ,this is no life for us. I was all fired up about this until I read a post on one if this forums of a lady dying from this procedure ,no I am anxious about it, I know there are risks but other then waiting 4 more years till my kids are independent and have the surgery then, I am unnerved now about it. Any help,suggestions or advice would be great.
Thanks Much
I highly recommend Dr. Luis Gorospe in Tulsa. He did my niece's surgery 4 1/2 years ago and she did great. He also did a friend of mine last summer and she did great too. I had my surgery done in Edmond with Dr. Walton. You may want to check him out too. He is awesome!! He also did my sister and two of my other nieces. I guess you could say that we like to keep it in the family!
I know it is a scary step, but well worth any risks there might be. I have lost between 125 and 130 pounds (depending on the time of the month) since April of last year. I no longer take blood pressure medicine and my blood sugar levels are normal. My husband says that I don't snore anymore and haven't since I came home from the hospital.
I can walk up a flight of stairs without any trouble and can basically do whatever I want without even thinking about it. What a difference! My only regret is that I didn't have the surgery sooner.
I applaud you for making the decision to have this surgery.
Keep us posted on your progress.
Jane Ann