Hi, New here!
Hi, My name is Colleen. I'm planning on having the Lap Band surgery. My surgeon is Dr. Gornichec. He recently did RNY on my mom and she's doing wonderful. He also took my gallbladder out in December. From what I understand, having my GB out is way more invasive than the LB will be! That is all I needed to hear, because I was too scared to even think of having this type of surgery. I have BCBS insurance, and they require a 6 month period before surgery is done. They want to have documented information that you have tried to lose weight. With that said, I'm hoping to have the surgery sometime in July. I joined PACER fitness center. I live in OKC. I'm also going to the seminar at Integris next Tuesday night, where I believe Dr. G will be speaking. I hope to meet people on this site, for support/friendship etc! Looking forward to chatting....Take Care...
Hi, Do you have just blue cross blue shield or do you have BCBS Federal?
I went to one doctor and I was told that i needed the 6 month period before surgery . I was on line and someone said that they went to a doctor in Norman and was told that BCBS Federal did not require a six month wait. Was just wondering.
Hi Colleen,
Welcome to this wonderful journey and congratulations for going ahead and joining PACER. I'm Dr. Gornichec's support group leader for the band. Our group is called "Band of Distinction". I'm sure I'll meet you on Tuesday.
I had my gallbladder taken out several years ago - and to me it was the worst surgery I have ever had. I know everyone is different, but I had very minimal pain with the lap band surgery.
Don't hesitate to contact with any questions you have.
I look forward to meeting and talking to you soon!
Tonja Muret

I'd love to!! My Mom wont be on call next week (she works at Baptist), so IF my husband is out of town, she can watch the kids. I think Dr. G requires a support group mtg before surgery, doesn't he? After surgery too, I think...hmmmm...maybe my Mom should come with me. She had the bypass, does that matter? I have so many questions to ask people who actually had the banding. I don't know anyone who has. Like...How fast does the weight come off, typically? I have read some bios where the person has had the banding for 2 months, and has lost 11 lbs. That would be very upsetting to me. Since I have so much to lose I was hoping it would drop pretty quick at first. But this person I'm talking about went from about 317 to 306, from November to February.
Sorry I missed the mtg, I'm sure looking fwd to the next one.