UPDATE-Because of the bad weather today, the Staplemates support group meeting is cancelled for tonight. We are asked to join the Banding Together Support Group for their meeting on Febuary 6th, 2007.

Here are the dates for the next 2 Support Group Meetings at Weightwise. There are now 2 Group meetings, one for Lap Bands, and one for Gastric bypass patients. You are welcome to both, if you choose! Hope to see you there!-Jane
Banding Together Support Group-
The Lap Band Support Group is for Lap Band patients and their loved ones. The group meets the first Tuesday of the month from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the WeightWise of Oklahoma Healthplex (Foundation Bariatric Hospital of Oklahoma, 1800 S. Renaissance Blvd., Second Floor, Edmond).
February 6, 2006 - Dr. Panchal will discuss plastic surgery.
March 6, 2006 - WeightWise Bariatrician Kathy Carmichael will discuss our medical weight loss program.
StapleMates Support Group-
The StapleMates Support Group is geared toward gastric bypass patients and is open to all pre- and post-op patients, family members and interested parties. The grouop meets the first Thursday of the month from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the WeightWise of Oklahoma Healthplex (Foundation Bariatric Hospital of Oklahoma, 1800 S. Renaissance Blvd., Second Floor, Edmond).
February 1, 2007 -


Dr. Panchal will discuss plastic surgery.
March 1, 2007- WeightWise Bariatrician Kathy Carmichael will discuss our medical weight loss program.