Weightwise Support Group Meetings!!!
Here are the dates for the next 3 Support Group Meetings at Weightwise. There are now 2 Group meetings, one for Lap Bands, and one for Gastric bypass patients. You are welcome to both, if you choose! Hope to see you there!-Jane
Banding Together Support Group-
The Lap Band Support Group is for Lap Band patients and their loved ones. The group meets the first Tuesday of the month from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the WeightWise of Oklahoma Healthplex (Foundation Bariatric Hospital of Oklahoma, 1800 S. Renaissance Blvd., Second Floor, Edmond).
January 2, 2006 - Dr. Jim Keller will lead the group in an open discussion focusing on goals for the year ahead.
February 6, 2006 - Dr. Panchal will discuss plastic surgery.
March 6, 2006 - WeightWise Bariatrician Kathy Carmichael will discuss our medical weight loss program.
StapleMates Support Group-
The StapleMates Support Group is geared toward gastric bypass patients and is open to all pre- and post-op patients, family members and interested parties. The grouop meets the first Thursday of the month from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the WeightWise of Oklahoma Healthplex (Foundation Bariatric Hospital of Oklahoma, 1800 S. Renaissance Blvd., Second Floor, Edmond).
January 4, 2006 - Dr. Jim Keller will lead the group in an open discussion focusing on goals for the year ahead.
February 1, 2006 - Dr. Panchal will discuss plastic surgery.
March 1, 2006 - WeightWise Bariatrician Kathy Carmichael will discuss our medical weight loss program.