A date, I finally have a date, and SOON!
I heard from my surgeon's office today. I was driving down the road with the top down, and the phone rang. As soon as I figured out who it was, I pulled the car over and whipped out my datebook. I'm scheduled for Monday, October 23rd! That is only 2 weeks from today, and also happens to be the day after my 36th birthday! I called my husband, only to be disappointed by what he had to say. He reminded me he has a conference that week, on Tues, Weds, and Thurs, and will spend Monday preparing for it. His company is putting it on, and he is a big part of it. SO, that being said, I'm going to call the surgeon's office back tomorrow and pray they can still get me in the next week. She had also offered October 30th, but I was so eager, I grabbed the first date available. At the very latest, I will be on my way to the losing side before November. Yeehaw!