I am out of luck on bariatric surgery.
I was just informed by bc/bs that my employer HMA (health maagement associates) has a written exclusion for all bariatric surgery. No way i can self pay. so i guess i have no hope of getting this done. I think this is the most idiotic thing in the world, but hey i am not a corporate giant and i have to make all the money in the world , meanwhile i will let my greed kill innocent people who need surgery to save their lives. I know i am ranting but i am so incredibly pissed i cannot even see straight.
Hi James, I'm so sorry about the exclusion. I'm very fortunate that it is covered under my policy. I've heard from SO many people whose employers don't add that to their coverage. Hopefully it will be added before too long. It has become more and more acceptable, and I think more and more employers and insurance companies are beginning to see the benefits it adds to their employees health and well being. Hang in there!
Hey James. My name is Alex Nichols. I know exactly how you are feeling. I haven't been able to work for over a year and a half because of my weight. I am only 24 years old and my doctors have told me that without the surgery, I wont live to see 30. I know you are angry....Im angry too. But I am also depressed, scared, sad....and probably every emotion we can go through. I dont have insurance and I dont have $25,000 laying around....so I am pretty much screwed.
I am not a famous person....I am nobody important....and I dont have any strings I can pull....but I can offer any help you need. If you ever need to just talk....or you need to vent on somebody and I know it is easier talking to someone who knows what you are going through. Email me sometime, my email is [email protected]
If you feel the urge to pick up the phone, then that is cool too....my number 580-799-3756. Thats my cell phone and it is on 24/7. Talk to you later man.
Hi all...this is especially for James and Alex. DO NOT GIVE UP!!!!!! I have been fighting for this for five years and have finally worked out a way to make it happen. I had to lose my new house that was just built, quit my job to be able to pull out a small 401K and settle for Mexico for the surgery.
And actually I don't feel like I am settling for anything. I have been researching this for all this time and feel more than happy and comfortable about going to Mexico. The price for the lapband is 8200.00. And there are some top notch surgeons in Mexico. And on my life, I would not tell you this if it were not the truth.
There are bad surgeons everywhere. Even here in the City, and in Mexico and in Canada and everywhere else. RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH
Find nurses that work at different individual hospitals. That is the best way to get the inside scoop on doctors I have found. Same with Mexico...contact lots of peeps.
Email me if you have any questions
[email protected]